What Happens When You Put an HVAC Filter in the Wrong Way?

Find out what happens when you put an HVAC filter in the wrong way and how it affects your living space's air quality. Learn how to avoid these problems with proper installation and maintenance.

What Happens When You Put an HVAC Filter in the Wrong Way?

If you mistakenly install an air filter upside down, the normally collective end of the device will not face the air supply. This means that the filter will not be able to capture dirt particles, and instead of being trapped by the filter, they will remain floating in the air. As a result, the air quality inside your living space will decrease and your HVAC system will have to work harder to deliver the desired results. This can lead to higher utility bills and even cause damage to the boiler. Air filters are designed to be installed in a certain direction, and this is indicated by arrows printed on the sides of the filter.

Depending on the type of filter, one side is more porous than the other to allow more air to flow freely. If you place it incorrectly, your HVAC system has to suck air through the less porous side of the filter, which is obviously harder and puts more pressure on it. The most common problem you'll have if you have an improperly installed filter is decreased efficiency. This can build up over time and lead to a breakdown of the furnace system and further repairs. In addition, some filters are designed to capture smaller particles, such as those that cause allergic reactions in people, so if you install them in the wrong way, they won't be able to do their job properly. If you're not confident enough to install your oven filter yourself, you can always call a professional from MorConnect.

They will be happy to help you with proper installation and maintenance of your air filter. It's also important to clean and repair your HVAC system at least once a year. To avoid all these problems, make sure you always check the arrows on your air filter before installing it. Look for an HVAC repair near me and consider furnace filter repair and installation if necessary. This way, you can ensure that your air filter is working properly and that your living space has clean air.